Friday, September 19, 2008

Palin and Trooper-gate *sigh

I know this may be a little excessive after the really long blog on Sarah Palin that I just posted a few days ago, but I'm pretty mad right now at some of the things that are going on. First of all, according to both Senator McCain and Governor Palin, they both want to be reformers and get government back on the side of the people. Nothing contradicts that more than the current happenings up in Alaska. Lawyers and Republican aides are now trying to block an inquiry into "troopergate." (why since Watergate is everything _____gate? It's really getting quite annoying) Also, the Palin-appointed Alaska attorney general said "state employees would refuse to honor subpoenas in the case." How is that for a reformer and a self proclaimed "maverick?" Everyone in this country needs to realize that she is currently under investigation that could yield criminal charges. This is exactly the type of corruption that both McCain and Palin in her speech at the RNC said that they wouldn't put up with in Washington. I've said it once and I'll say it again: she was not vetted at all, or vetted very little. When the bipartisan investigation began, yes bipartisan, meaning both Republican and Democrats are working on it, Palin was cooperating and didn't seem to mind being under investigation. However, ever since she was tapped for vice president, her and other people have been the exact opposite. Point blank, until there is full disclosure, or some cooperation from the Palin camp and her friends (yeah, most of them got appointed to senior positions) I will believe that she is hiding something and other people should too. In the past, I've never had a problem with random drug testing, because I was always clean. Whenever the subject would come up there would be the people who would cry foul that it was invasion of privacy or "what I do at my home is my own business." I'm from the school of thought that if you aren't doing anything wrong what do you have to worry about? It's time for Palin to either come clean or test positive, the stalling isn't going to make me like her anymore. If I were to go into a job interview and tell them: I'm sorry but I'm currently under investigation in an ethics scandal. Do you think that anyone would hire me? No, most likely they wouldn't and they would be right in doing so. We should hold our leaders, current, potential and future to the same standards

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